Watertight, Full-HD camera with 30x optical zoom, pan and tilt function and integrated lighting.
VT 6360 CU – Portable CU with integrated 21.5“ monitor, text inserter and recording funtionality
VT 1000 EX Interface BOX – Acts as the mediator between the EX and non EX part of the system
VT 1000 HD SKT EX – Cable reel for VT 1000 EX system with 50 meters of cable length
VT Nitrogen – Nitrogen purge system for periodic re-pressurisation of the camera body
VT 1000 HD CON K – Connects the CCU with the VT 1000 EX Interface BOX
Deployment tools
Carbon poles – Sealed wired and non-wired carbon poles in various lenghts for easy deploment of camera system
Manipulators and holders – Various tripods, holders and mounting units available
Additional lighting – Various additional lighting sources available – for increased illumination of objects and surrounding inspection area